Biodiverse habitatProtected Areas

Landscapes worth protecting Because nature needs our help

The Vulkaneifel Nature and UNESCO Geopark combines very different landscapes that have one thing in common: they are retreats for animals and plants that still have a completely intact habitat here. To ensure that it stays that way, these landscapes are particularly protected.


Vulkaneifel Nature Park

On May 31, 2010, the Vulkaneifel Nature Park was officially inaugurated, making it one of the youngest nature parks in Germany. The nature park has a unique natural quality in the combination of maars, volcanoes and varied cultural landscapes.

Flora-fauna habitats

Flora-fauna habitats, or FFH areas for short, are special European protected areas. They were designated in accordance with the Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive and serve to protect plants (flora), animals (fauna) and habitats (habitats). The condition of the FFH areas is constantly monitored and documented. From this we can deduce what tailor-made protection and gentle human use can look like. There are currently nine designated FFH areas in the Vulkaneifel Nature and UNESCO Geopark.

To the FFH areas

Landscape Protection

Landscape protection areas are intended to preserve the natural diversity, character and beauty of a landscape. In addition, an efficient natural balance should be preserved or created.

Bird Sanctuaries

Wild birds are now particularly endangered by intensive agriculture and forestry. The European Birds Directive provides these animals with sufficiently large habitats.

Nature Reserves

Nature reserves serve the special protection of nature and landscape for scientific, natural history, regional or cultural reasons.